Nanotechnology Solar Panels - Using Nanotechnology To Create Better Solar Panels

Nanosolar or Nanotechnology Solar Cell is a developer of solar power technology. Based in San Jose, CA, Nanosolar has developed and commercialized a low-cost printable solar cell manufacturing process. The company started selling panels mid-December, and plans to sell them at around $1 per watt. When first announced that was just one fifth the price of the silicon cells, but in brand name silicon cells sell from around $1.70 reducing Nanosolar’s cost advantage significantly.


The idea is to create the most efficient solar cells that are able to work at the tiniest “nano” level. Nanotechnology involves creating “machines” that are fully operational even though they are microscopic. Nanosolar has basically created solar cells that are so small you can’t even see them. So how do you install a microscopic solar cell on your roof? Well, that’s where it gets interesting. Nanosolar creates these solar cells in a big plastic sheet that can be rolled out like a carpet. These “PowerSheets” can be mounted onto an existing house or incorporated into a new build.Using techniques borrowed from the microprocessor business, Nanosolar “prints” the solar cells onto silicon wafers. Creating cells this way has reduced the cost of solar power down to a level where it will soon be competitive with other sources of energy.

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